3 Daily Affirmations That Shape Extraordinary Lives

Secrets to a Fulfilling Life Through the Power of Daily Declarations

Have you ever whispered these affirmations to yourself in the quiet moments before dawn, as you stand on the precipice of a new day?

  1. I expect to win. I deserve to win.

  1. I will not care what other people think.

  2. I can’t do everything today, but I can take one small step.

When I first heard these affirmations spoken by Florence Scovel Shin I thought they were simple, wise, and achievable. That was before I actively engaged in trying them out.

Let’s begin with the first one. It made sense to me. When I ‘expect’ to win, this kind of attitude tilts the scale in my favor, because of what I believe I can achieve. And sure, ‘I deserve to win’ is true, but it was a little harder to convince myself of this. As a prior competitive athlete, I think everyone deserves to win, but in the game of competition, everyone can not win. But, we can still feel like we won when we did our best ~ this all depends on the inner critic in one's head, whether or not this will be true.

The point I’m making is that simply affirming this thought will set the tone to win, but there are no guarantees. On the flip side, I don’t like having expectations of others, but when it comes to myself, I enjoy setting the bar higher!

The second affirmation is practiced well by kindergarteners. “I will not care what other people think.” These small precious humans do not care what other people think and I love this! So if we want to put this affirmation into practice, just do what little children do up until they are about 7. Who said that we needed to care about what others think about us? It’s none of our business but it takes unlearning to get back here.

The third affirmation is “I can’t do everything today, but I can take one small step.” This one speaks the truth to me and it’s more easily digestable than the others. I find that the challenge with this one is that I want to do everything in one day and one small step isn't big enough. I don’t feel complete with just one small step because there is so much more to do! And again, so many behaviors, and thought patterns to be retrained. To be able to feel at ease just knowing that I did one thing and feel accomplished at the same time is truly progress.


Years ago, I loved affirmations so much that I used to write them down daily, I wrote them in my journals and created them to kingdom come and back when I first started in personal development. Yes! They helped me retrain my brain and my belief system so I would say that they definitely helped me to grow into the person I AM today.

Even today I share affirmations with my Inspired Community every Monday morning, just because. Just because I still think they can help us to think differently, to think and create out of the box many of us find ourselves in.

I like to challenge people to think and dream with their imagination, and so, here I am, sharing affirmations with you. Maybe they will make a positive difference in moving forward in your life. All the love.


Before You Go

If you are inspired by my writing please leave a comment or a heart. That feels good and it’s like icing on the cake.

Get in touch: email me at shelleymarenka@gmail.com If you have any burning topics you’d like me to write about send them along as well.

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