Keto Peach Cobbler Smoothie

Fresh grated ginger and lemon juice add a zesty kick to this creamy keto smoothie. Swap almond milk for more coconut milk and use a sweetener like birch xylitol to make this smoothie Bulletproof.


1/2 Avacado

2 Scoops LifeShake Peach Protein or Life Shake Chai Vanilla

1 cup coconut milk

1/2 frozen banana

1 tsp Vanilla extract

1/4 tsp Sri Lanka Cinnamon

Ice as desired


Mix all in blender with liquid first followed by protein powder and avocado. Blend until creamy.

Bon Appetit!

PS Hey friends! Please feel free to share my recipes with your friends by using the link on my page. If you try this recipe, please let us know what you think by leaving a comment and tagging a foto #smarenkainspiredliving on Instagram. Love from the heart friends!


Gratitude Over Circumstance


Peachy Protein Smoothie