A Holistic Approach For YOUR Heart

HEALTH ALERT! Heart disease is the world’s #1 killer.

Statins only reduce the risk of death from heart disease by less than 2%.

But do you know what does work? Do you know what’s been scientifically proven to not only help prevent but also reverse heart disease?

This program is far more effective than cholesterol-lowering drugs. And instead of nasty side effects like headaches, nausea, and impotence, it has other side effects — like weight loss, blood sugar control, lower rates of depression, and longer telomeres. Want to know more?

Side note: We think that it will only happen to others, especially men, but we don’t believe it can happen to us women until it does. Sometimes it is too late. I don’t want that to be you.

I'll bet you can name a few family members or friends who have suffered from a heart attack. Maybe it was a shock because you thought that the person was so healthy.

Luckily enough, some of them survived it, but many don't.

What can you do to engage in the best practices to avoid heart disease and early death?

Here are some tips you can begin today to take charge of your health to help prevent early death from a heart attack.

Thank you Dr. Steve Chaney for this article: 

Among omega-3 benefits is lowering high blood pressure.  That claim can be made according to the FDA. 

Heart Disease is still the number 1 cause of death in this country. And, while deaths from heart disease have been declining in recent years, deaths due to high blood pressure have been increasing.  That is concerning because:

High blood pressure is a killer! It can kill you by causing heart attacks, strokes, congestive heart failure, kidney failure and much more.

High blood pressure is a serial killer. It doesn’t just kill a few people. It kills lots of people. The American Heart Association estimates that high blood pressure directly or indirectly caused 410,000 deaths in 2014. That is almost 1 person every second and represents a 41% increase from 2000. It’s because high blood pressure is not a rare disease.

  • 32% of Americans have high blood pressure, also called hypertension, (defined as a systolic blood pressure of 140 mm Hg or more or a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or more).

  • Another 33% of Americans have prehypertension (systolic blood pressure of 120-139 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure of 80-89 mm Hg).

That’s over 65% of Americans with abnormal blood pressure!

High blood pressure is a silent killer. That’s because it is a very insidious disease that sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Systolic blood pressure increases 0.6 mm Hg/year for most adults over 50. By age 75 or above 76-80% of American adults will have high blood pressure.  Even worse, many people with high blood pressure have no symptoms, so they don’t even know that their blood pressure is elevated. For them, the first symptom of high blood pressure is often sudden death.

Blood pressure medications can harm your quality of life. Blood pressure medications save lives. However, like most drugs, blood pressure medications have a plethora of side effects – including weakness, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, heartburn, depression, heart palpitations, and even memory loss. The many side effects associated with blood pressure medications lead to poor compliance, which is probably why only 46% of patients with high blood pressure are adequately controlled.

You do have natural options. By now you are probably wondering whether there are natural approaches for controlling your blood pressure that is both effective and lacks side effects. The answer is a resounding YES! I’ll outline a holistic natural approach for keeping your blood pressure under control in a minute but let me start with the FDA’s recent approval of what they call “qualified claims” that omega-3s lower blood pressure.

If you’ve been keeping track, you’ve probably figured out that a holistic lifestyle that included at least 0.7 grams/day of long-chain omega-3s (EPA + DHA) plus the other omega-3 benefits in the list above could reduce your systolic blood pressure by a whopping 18-22 mm Hg.  

That’s significant because the CDC estimates that reducing high systolic blood pressure by only 12-13 mm Hg could reduce your risk of:

  • Stroke by 37%.

  • Coronary heart disease by 21%.

  • Death from cardiovascular disease by 25%.

  • Death from all causes by 13%.

    The FDA’s allowed claims about omega-3s are good news indeed, but that’s not the only natural approach that lowers blood pressure. You have lots of other options and ideas.

    For example:

  • Join the millions of people doing the Prove It Challenge-best way I know how to elevate your health and energy today.

  • The DASH diet (A diet that has lots of fresh fruits and vegetables; includes whole grains, low-fat dairy, poultry, fish, beans, nuts and oils; and is low in sugar and red meats) reduces systolic blood pressure by 5-6 mm Hg. [Low fat, low carb, and Mediterranean diets also lower blood pressure, but not by as much as the DASH diet].

  • Get your blood pressure product information sheet here

  • Reducing sodium by about 1,150 mg/day reduces systolic blood pressure by 3-4 mm Hg.

  • Reducing excess weight by 5% reduces systolic blood pressure by 3 points.

  • Doing at least 40 minutes of aerobic exercise 3-4 times/week reduces systolic blood pressure by 2-5 mm Hg.

  • Nitrates, whether derived from fresh fruits and vegetables or from supplements probably also reduce blood pressure, but we don’t yet know by how much.

If you're ready to add pharmaceutical-grade fish oil to your wellness regimen, this is the one I have chosen to keep my health in check and my risk of heart disease to a minimum. ​

Click here and below to see the options I have for you!

Click here: A lifestyle of wellness with good nutrition


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