5 Steps To A Growth Mindset

Trust In LIfe’s Divine Timing

With H.O.P.E.

Hope is an optimistic state of mind - an expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

I also like to think of hope as a feeling, an expression of thought for positive outcomes in your life. 

HOPE  illuminates our path ahead of what is to come. HOPE is a growth mindset.

When we have hope we have a dream for our future of promises and favor to be fulfilled. We have something to look forward too in life.

When we have HOPE, we live less in the past, hoping and wishing for what was, but instead, we have hope for the future, with conviction and determination to move towards our dreams, to face our challenges and obstacles with confidence and make something MORE out of life.


God wants you to thrive in your life. Even in uncertain circumstances. 

You may be waiting for life to change.

Maybe you're wanting a new relationship on the horizon,

or a different job opportunity to come your way,

or a desire for your health to improve, 

maybe you’re desiring in a BIG way to experience a total SHIFT in the direction of your life.

All change begins with a seed of HOPE as tiny as a grain of sand.

It takes time for it to grow.

When you trust in divine timing with ease and grace, you let go of the struggle.

You want to simply surrender, let go, and create space for allowing what's next.


Surrendering to what IS, allows you to build character and prepares you for what lies ahead.

When you are able to rest in confidence and know life is working out exactly the way it is supposed to, then you no longer struggle to try and put a round peg in a square hole.

Only then, can you lean in and enjoy the journey.

When we lose hope our intentions dim, our desires get left behind and our future looks grim. 

But when hope is an ever-present action word, thought and belief, our purpose, mission, or calling can come alive!

Without hope, there is little life, but when hope is alive in our hearts we have a light to guide our path; there is strength and faith in our convictions. 

HOPE is the confident expectation of what God has promised and its strength is in His faithfulness.


H is for happiness, O is for opportunity, P is for purpose, and E is for enthusiasm.


When you have happiness in your heart you are more likely to be open and willing to see opportunities coming your way. 

Your purpose easily unfolds with the lightness of being and enthusiasm. 

Did you know that enthusiasm means God spirit? I love that. 

So God spirit - enthusiasm~ feeds your hopes and desires to live fully alive and experience the depth and breadth of living wholeheartedly in mind, body, and spirit!

Many people spend more energy and time revisiting and replaying past events and circumstances in their heads with ‘should haves’ and ‘could haves’. 

This kind of thinking with thoughts of the past that no longer serve you does not move the needle forward in life and it gets you nowhere fast. 

You’ll want to adopt a mindset where you learn lessons from the past, feel the joy, and then move forward into the present moment where life actually lives fully alive!


How many times throughout the day have you caught yourself replaying the old tapes of the past?

This kind of thinking robs you of your future! (and not only that, but much of your thoughts haven’t even happened!)

How often do you find yourself moving so fast that the entire day is gone by and you can’t remember what the heck happened?

S-L-O-W down my friends, breathe in, and breathe out. 

Just BE for a moment.  

Just BE without thinking about what’s next.

ALLOW yourself time to experience the joy of the moment, 

the songbirds singing, 

the whisper of the wind, 

the fragrance of a flower, 

children innocently playing, dancing, and singing.

Just BE with NO ‘doing’.

Simply checking in with yourself for a few seconds throughout the day allows you to FEEL at peace, breathe, and invite gratitude in.

Adding this practice of ‘not doing, just being’ to your daily habits, also creates an opportunity for AWARENESS...

an opening to insight and understanding.

A check-in, if you will, to evaluate and course correct towards the next RIGHT move in your day.

For example, if you took a few moments of silence and reflection, you may discover that

you realize more time spent on a particular project is no longer necessary,

perhaps you realize that your children, family, or spouse want to spend time with you,

you have an ah-ha moment that too many distractions are stealing your day from precious moments waiting to be lived.

Maybe you just need to say NO to things today to free yourself up for what’s truly important.


Awareness is an enlightening opportunity to make the most of your day.

What IF you took the time to reevaluate and reprioritize - to rethink your daily actions and habits and to create what’s most important to move the needle forward towards your future? I know you’ve got this.

As always, with lots of love, Shelley

PS Here is an affirmation and positive quotes you can ponder for living fully alive in the moments….


My future unfolds with hope, faith, and joy!


“I find hope in the darkest of days and focus on the brightness. 

I do not judge the universe.” Dalai Lama

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you. ” Buddha

You can find MORE on HOPE right here: my podcast show @https://tinyurl.com/yy8yawj9)

My Youtube channel: Inspired Living With Shelley Marenka @https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn2Q44Dypg_ZRhCDjHk9CbA


Finding Your True Self


5 Steps To Create A Mindset For Change