Learn How To Start Journaling

Journaling Tips: How To Begin

Many of my students and friends have asked me over the years about how to begin the process of journaling.

A ritual that is SO worth the time! So I’ve decided that sharing how to create this beautiful art would bring me a lot of joy and help those in my community learn how they can express themselves and log their life experience in a fun and fabulous way!

You’ll want to keep coming back to this blog post as I will add several more journaling prompts in the coming weeks, and you can refer to this page often to keep you inspired, whether you are new to journaling, or becoming a great writer of your story!

What Is Journaling?

Journaling is a ritual where you write down your thoughts and feelings. It’s can be an empowering way to process and design your unique life. Gathering your ideas and inspiration can lead to MORE happiness and rewards than you could ever imagine simply because you are writing it down.

Writing is a way to document and track your life, and it helps you figure out what makes you happy, sad, or alive. I absolutely LOVE going back and rereading my old journals to experience old memories to see just how far I have come, and how much I’ve learned, grown, and expanded!

The absolute BEST BONUS of journaling is that it allows us to create a meaningful relationship with ourselves. If you are serious about becoming MORE powerful, influential, creative, healthy, wealthy, and wise, keep a journal.

In fact, it’s a priceless gift for the next generation. I know this because my family has had the unique pleasure and treasure to read about our grandparents’ lives thru their journaling. Priceless!

If you are ready to jump in and give it a go, here are a few more prompts from my Ebook ' The Ultimate Guide To Self Care that can help you begin.

(You can get my ebook here for free for a limited time)

30 days make a habit, or so they say, so I encourage you to keep writing a little bit every day. I can promise you there are more benefits to journaling than you can imagine. Now, let’s get going!

I've also included a link here to 6 MORE ideas to help you get started.

Sample Journaling Prompts:

  1. What is a dream you’ve had in your heart for a long while. Describe why and be specific.

  2. I acknowledge myself for... Write down 3 things you appreciate about yourself.

  3. Write a review of the last movie you saw. How did it impact you? What feelings did it bring up?

  4. Write 3 affirmations about the way you would like to see yourself. Begin with I AM…

  5. What do you most love about yourself.

  6. What 3 things would you delete from your life if you could and why.

  7. What do you feel passionate about and why?

I’d love to see your comments and how you’ll begin first.

Lots of love, Shelley


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