A Healthy Cleanse That Scared Me

I’ll have to admit, I was a bit reluctant to take on such a thing. It was kinda scary.

What do you mean no wine? No coffee? Are you out of your mind?

It was at the point of decision to do the cleanse that my health journey took a new direction. I am SO glad it did.

Cleansing is no mere fad. It’s really true that one can actually FEEL better, optimize your gut and digestion, lose visceral fat, jump-start to a healthy weight and explode your energy levels. It will have a positive effect on everything else you do in life. I asked myself, who doesn’t want that?

If this could really help me to purge my body of harmful toxins and chemicals, heck yes! And the energy thing? Yes please!

I ate lots of vegetables, greens, some fruits and a few good fats. I made juices/smoothies in the am and that was fun!

There were 4 key supplements to help with the cleansing process to maximize results. PS it worked

Even my happiness increased because of daily meditation that became part of my mornings (and then developed into a beautiful habit).

My body was feeling better each day and I experienced endless energy, clarity and focus on all levels!

No hunger pains, no cravings, no wine withdrawals (haha) no more belly bloat.

It was awesome. I even fit comfortably into my skinny jeans!

Learning that I had the discipline to make better choices with my eating gave me more confidence.

It wasn’t so difficult after all. Even living without my coffee and wine was easy. (well kinda) :)

This life changing idea was so good to me that I am offering it to you because I care about your health.

AND I have added so many bonuses to the program with no extra charge.

Why? Because if I can feel better, I know you can too! And I know you want to feel better because we all do.

This cleanse changes your relationship with food where you no longer desire to put all that junk in your mouth.

Instead, you’ll eat more of that healthy food you fell in love with during the cleanse!

The beauty of the cleanse is that it’s only 7 days. Not 21, not 30, just 7.

Sure, it scared my in the beginning. I really didn’t think I could do it. But I did. And, for that I will be forever grateful!

Onward to bigger and better foods forever! Hoorah! xoxox

If your ready to feel amazing along with a sense of empowerment, accomplishment, even more joy, happiness and health, come aboard and learn how this 7 Day Healthy Cleanse can take your life to the next level for you.

LEARN MORE by clicking below

Power up your potential. Radically shift your health. Love yourself more.



If you are going thru a transition in your life, wanting a transformation or breakthrough, or simply seeking more meaning and purpose, come explore with me. You’ll learn the skills, tools and daily practices for personal growth that you can apply to advance your wonderful life and your career. Rise my friend! Speak Your Voice. Cast Your Vision. Share Your Message.

Join me on my mission of empowering brilliant women. If this post spoke to you, would you let us know what you think by leaving a comment, rating it or tagging a foto #smarenkainspiredliving on Instagram. Love deeply from the heart my friends!


Delicious Smoothie Bowl


Italian Limoncello Smoothie