Italian Limoncello Smoothie

Buon appetito

Do you love everything delicious? This Italian Limoncello Smoothie is full of zip and style! Consider pairing it with my Vegetarian Italian Chopped Salad for a complete meal. Ciao!

This is my favorite expression that is so lovely and true about the Italian people. I hope you can embrace it every day in your life…..because it’s a beautiful thing when we do. Magic happens.

“Mangia bene, ridi spesso, ama molto”

“Eat well, laugh often, love much”

Italian Limoncello Smoothie

by Shelley Marenka

1 cup nut or hemp milk

3 scoops Shaklee Life Shake Protein Mix
1/2 cup plain Greek/coconut/ goat yogurt
1/2 Tsp vanilla extract
1 organic fresh Meyer lemon (or frozen) squeezed
2 tablespoons organic local honey
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
1/8 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 3/4 cups ice cubes

Mix all ingredients in a blender.

PS Hey friends! If you try this recipe, let us know what you think by leaving a comment, and tagging a foto #smarenkainspiredliving on Instagram. Love from the heart friends!


A Healthy Cleanse That Scared Me


Vegetarian Italian Chopped Salad