The Beauty Of Gods’ Dream For Your Life

It lies deep inside your heart…

I have learned over the years that each day we have everything we need. There is no lack of anything. The universe is limitless!

But this thought didn’t feel so real this morning.

Today is day 15 since my mama died. Little did I know that God’s spoken breath back in July would be to feed my soul on this day of loss and mourning.

I read a long time ago in a book, that starting each morning in gratitude would make me aware of the many blessings and gifts of abundance that I have.

So I decided to start a practice of daily gratitude by writing something in my journal each morning,

Being grateful can be as simple as speaking 3 things out loud that you are appreciative of. Sounds crazy, right?

But, it works because we are shifting our mindset from lack and wanting to abundance.

When we are in a grateful state, we can receive more grace and joy, bringing more blessings to be thankful for.

This shift in our thinking can bring about more positivity in our day, creating a higher level of productivity and happiness as well.

Reflecting on God’s divine goodness opens a door to new possibilities.

He desires us to seek Him and therefore we shall find the treasures laid aside for our life specifically for us.

One day back in July I was feeling alone so I decided to drive to the mountains which are just short of an hour from where I live.

Once I arrived in nature, the sense of divine guidance filled my heart.

He was in the trees, the mountains, and the lakes. His potent, majestic power left me still and silent.

I perched myself onto a large granite rock overlooking the lake at dusk. Sitting in the serenity of dusk I was overcome with emotion.

The vastness of majestic beauty surrounding me was akin to the big love that He has for us. His love has no bounds.

His power and essence are expansive and limitless. His peace is like the silence of a mountain lake in the darkness of night. It encapsulates our being and wraps us in love, wisdom, compassion, and understanding. The inner peace that we seek lies in the stillness of our souls.

When I stood up on the rock and saw my reflection in the water, I heard His soft voice speak, “ know that I am here with you.

You are not alone.

In the stillness, calm, serene beauty is where I long for you to be.

Rest in the arms of my protection, in the heart of my love,

I am always beside you in truth and light.

The longing of your soul needs me- your time alone is time with me- blessed and sacred.”

Two weeks after mama left this earth little did I know that God’s spoken breath back in July would be to feed my soul on this day of loss and mourning.

Please leave any thoughts or comments you may have. I enjoy reading them. xo

Love deeply from the heart my friends!

Lots of love, Shelley


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