The Law Of Attraction and How To Use It

Have you ever wondered how the law of attraction works and how you can make it work for you in your life?

You're not alone. Many people wonder what the heck the law of attraction is and how it works.

Some have even said, I've tried it and it hasn't worked for me.

So what is the real truth about the law of attraction and how can you get it to work for you?

Here is one explanation of how the law of attraction can look and what it can FEEL like. (FEELING is key here.)

#1. When your thoughts are constantly in a 'feel-good ' mode then your body will thrive. Your thoughts are energy and your body is energy. The body follows the mind.

So how can this be, you ask?

#2. When you remember and live the truth that feeling good is a natural state and you make an effort to find the positive aspects of a subject that you are considering, you will train your thoughts to match the thoughts of your inner being. All of this is energy.

#3. Your body is an extension of your inner being, the divine spirit, the non-physical energy that can't be seen.

#4. When your inner being, your inner wisdom, is in alignment with your thoughts and your desires, (which our energy) that is a tremendous advantage to your physical body, for when your thoughts are constantly in a good feeling state (Energy) your physical body will follow and thrive.

#5. Therefore, when your thoughts are positively aligned with your desires, your body will feel and sense this and raise the vibration to attract what it is you desire. BAM!

There you have it! The law of attraction is working for you!

#6. Positive thoughts create positive emotions which create positive experiences. The opposite is also true. Negative thoughts create negative emotions which create negative experiences.

I would love to hear your thoughts, comments, or questions below.

As always, you are loved.


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