Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable


We are beautiful and powerful creators. So why do we so often play small?

Our contribution and our purpose have great value so why do we believe that what we have to say isn't important?

My own story needed so much healing around speaking my voice and getting out of my comfort zone that it would take years, and a lot of therapy to recover.

I used to think no one would listen to me or that someone else has a better idea so I didn’t speak up.

My own self-limiting beliefs told me that my ideas will be rejected so I didn't voice them out of fear of rejection.

I often thought that I needed more education or another training course or credential to qualify for my opinion or idea to be heard.

(even though I had tons of education, certifications, and experience)

Once I got my hands on Tara Mohr’s book “Playing Big” I realized that it wasn’t just me who felt this way. It was almost every woman out there!

(I highly recommend her book for women)

I hadn’t ever realized that all of this was a huge part of me playing small, and how much it was getting in my way to thrive in my life.

Growing up, even into adulthood, I thought this is just the way it goes.

The ah-ha came much later as people shared with me how powerful they thought I was, but I didn’t feel that way at all.

I just kept hearing, you don’t count. Women don’t count, their voices and opinions are not important.

Wow ~ and that is just the beginning ~ how’s that for some wounding? It hurt.


I didn’t experience this pushback in all elements of my world. It was mostly around men, family, and authority.

Although all of these lies felt true, they were not true. It is a story that many of us have told our younger selves and I owned this story big time.

Women have been taught and conditioned over the years to believe that their opinion doesn't count or isn't valued.

It is cultural conditioning and much of social media that are keeping us from our own authenticity.

But how were we supposed to know when we were raised this way by almost all institutions in our life?

The good news is, we can relearn, let go of the past and begin again each day.

Now that I have mostly healed from these early wounds, after years of coaching, therapy, inner growth, spirituality, and adopting key tools to cope,

my life has so much more freedom and I experience my own personal empowerment in an entirely new dimension!

I know that my spiritual inner growth is not a destination, but a way of life.

The more I learn, the more I realize I know nothing. And this keeps me growing, learning, and hungry for more.

So today, I hope that as I express my voice here, it will encourage each one of you powerful humans

to make this year your break-thru year and rid yourself of any and all self-limiting beliefs you have.

Make it the year that you reclaim your voice, speak it out loud, and believe in yourself.

Give yourself permission to begin to dream again.

Create a mission for your vision and your message.


What does all of this have to do with your comfort zone? The truth is ~ that when we are not comfortable in our own skin, we put limitations on ourselves.

These limitations keep us playing small and staying in our comfort zone.

Stepping out of your comfort zone IS uncomfortable, so in the beginning, just be uncomfortable with it. Do the work.

You can start by simply being uncomfortable with being uncomfortable. Yes, you read that right.

What if you just choose to surrender to it all and show up the best way you know how?

What if you give up the struggle and the need to control your life? (after all, it’s just a pretend game. No one can REALLY control their life~ because the universe has your back and is constantly shifting our realities)

Life is FOR you, working in your favor. Life is happening for you, not to you. Dance with the rhythm and let it flow effortlessly into alignment.

Knowing that the only sure thing in life is change and uncertainty, we can begin to allow what is and learn to embrace it.


I invite you to allow yourself to have a new conversation, a new story if you will. One that is exciting and full of rich possibilities for yourself.

Jump in and begin to figure out who you really are, and who you want to become.

Embrace your purpose here.

Life will become simpler once you know these things.

You are deserving of living a rich full life and you can begin to unfold it today.

If you are going thru a transition in your life, (uh…like who isn’t?) and want to experience a life-changing transformation or breakthrough, all you have to do is begin.

Ask for help, Ask for guidance. Allow yourself to feel your feelings. Learn new tools for coping. And '“get on with it” as Queen Elizabeth so eloquently said.

You are the creator of your life and you can design it exactly as you want. If you don’t, someone else will.

BELIEVE ~ Enjoy this 2 min message on Belief In Yourself

RISE, my friend! Speak Your Voice. Cast Your Vision. Share Your Message. LIVE Your Life Fully, By Design.

Love deeply from the heart my friends! Lots of love, Shelley

PS Want to experience what it's like to create your future self? Join me on an adventure to become more of who you are meant to be.

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