Hello Beautiful Friends,

Have you ever read Einstein’s quote?

“ Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better?” Including yourself… I told myself

The closest connection I have ever found to my heart is when I am drenched in the nourishing nature of the forests, trees, mountains, lakes, and oceans. I discovered in my early 20s, while traveling to the gorgeous state of Colorado for the very first time, that nature is the most beautiful and profound place for healing our minds, our bodies, and our spirits.

My mind becomes crystal clear and open to the inner voice of spirit.

Walking with nature, I can hear my heart speaking to me. This voice is my truth and it will always be true to me. It can be a truth that needs to be shared, or the voice of reason, to set me on the right path.

Sometimes it's hard for me to speak up and share my truth for fear of how it might land. I feel scared of not being received.

The inner critic in my head tells me oh, don't say that. They may reject you.

When I AM being authentic, it means that I'm showing up in my truth, freely expressing myself, and sharing what I am really feeling in the moment from my heart.

Many people feel the need to show up in a way that is reflecting back on what they see externally so they fit in.

There is a story in their head that they can't be themselves if they want to feel accepted.

We've all felt that way at one time or another.

This misses the whole point of why you are here dear one. Mirroring others to feel accepted will only dim your own beautiful light.

I invite you to shine your light and know that it's perfectly ok if others don't resonate with you.

As you keep showing up in your truth of how you really want to show up, you will attract others of the same energy, love, and vibration.

Become dauntless and dig deep in your soul to find your courage. Leave them in awe.

We are all ONE.

We are all connected to one another and every living thing is one light.

We are all radiant beings of love and to claim this truth is a beautiful way of being.

Just for today, what if you disconnect from wifi and reconnect with your spirit in nature?

It is here in this place of awe and wonder, where I find peace, calm, love, truth, and joy.

A stroll in nature walks the soul back home.

Each time I venture out into the woods, I rediscover that it's the simple things in life that are most wonderful, nourishing, and miraculous. And this includes nature’s simplicity in me. I become courageous again and realize my part in this magnificent universe. The best way I can contribute is to be myself. All of it. The loud part, the gentle part, the fearful piece, the limitless being, the childlike part, all of it and more.

Thank you for reading this. And, as always, love yourself MORE....and know that you are loved.

xo Shelley Marenka

PS Please feel welcome to share your reflections in the comments. I would be so happy to read them.

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