Consistency ~ The friend that will take you from good to great

You don’t have to be great to start anything. You just have to start to be great at anything.

We all have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all. But, it takes more than that. It’s about consistency.

I just finished reading a few articles from my new friend on Medium ~ Ashuni Shah and I am so motivated right now to write something, anything, right here on Medium. It’s been too long since my last published writing and I don’t like that I am not being consistent.

In one of her articles, she spoke of her 30-day run of writing and publishing on Medium and the benefits of doing so took her visibility to the next level. I find that this is true for just about everything we do.

Consistency breeds consistency, we get better results, and it even gives us a boost of confidence because we are sticking with something while experiencing a sense of discipline. This is a good thing. If it is the results we are after, we must apply consistency and simply overcome the resistance.

In other words, say yes to us.

Writing is my love. It’s like a fantasy lover, that loves me back without effort and having to show up in any particular way to be seen.

The words just gaze back at me from the paper or the computer, and oftentimes, what I see is my heart. In all of its frailties, vulnerabilities, desires, and dreams. It’s all here, in just words.

But it’s not the words that move me. It’s the feeling I get when I write from my heart. It speaks to me and I feel understood and seen.

Isn’t this what life is about? Tuning into the present moment and just feeling. Simply expressing what we know to be true for the moment.

Thanks for reading my stuff. It feels good to talk to you heart to heart.

Paralyze resistance with persistence.

Daily, consistent, focused, faithful expectation raises the miracle power of achieving your dreams.

Part of courage is simple consistency.

For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent.

All the love, Shelley

PS Favor? I am only 10 3 followers away from the next level on Medium, my new amazing writing platform.

Read more on Medium > Shelley’s Medium Platform


It's The Simple Things


Designing A New Life In The Now