Pumpkin Pie Shake

Pumpkin Pie Shake

While commonly viewed as a vegetable, pumpkin is scientifically a fruit, as it contains seeds.

That said, it’s nutritionally more similar to vegetables than fruits.

Beyond its delicious taste, pumpkin is nutritious and linked to many health benefits.

Besides being packed with vitamins and minerals, pumpkin is also relatively low in calories, as it’s 94% water.

It’s also very high in beta-carotene, a carotenoid that your body turns into vitamin A. (good for your skin)

Pumpkin contains the antioxidants alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, and many others, which may protect your cells against damage by free radicals. Who doesn’t want that, right?

So here you go!

Rock your mornings with more energy than Super Woman or Superman! You're gonna need it with all you’ve got going on!


2 scoops Pumpkin Spice Life Energizing Shake™ or shaklee’s Energizing Soy Protein Vanilla or Life Shake
1 cup milk of choice (nut milk is healthiest)
1 graham cracker
1/2 cup organic pumpkin puree
1/2 tsp. real vanilla extract
1 1/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/2 cup ice


Combine all ingredients in a blender.

Blend until smooth and enjoy! 

Optional: Add graham cracker crumbles on top.

Whip cream pictured is optional. (my fav is Coconut Whip Cream- it’s non-dairy and SO delicious!)

If you love this recipe please share. I think sharing is the spice of life love..xoxoxoxo

To order the plant-based Life Shake Click here. 

PS Would you like to be featured in my next Wellness Newsletter?

Just send me your favorite smoothie recipe along with a picture to ShelleyMarenka@gmail.com

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Lots of love, Shelley Marenka

If you loved the smoothie shake recipe please leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments here. xo



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