Butcher Box For Clean Eating

As you know I am always looking for healthy, fresh and affordable options to live your best life! I have found a great option with Butcher Box and I want to share it with you.

Get $15 off your first order with Butcher Box PLUS some amazing product that they throw in for free every month!

I LOVE Butcher Box and I think you will too! They deliver 100% grass-fed beef, organic chicken, and heritage breed pork directly to your door with FREE shipping. 

Get the discount and free bacon or whatever that monthly freebie is right here: special link.

So What is Butcher Box?

They are a wholesale meat delivery company that offers hormone-free and humanely raised meats and fish. Their beef is 100% grass-fed, their chicken is free-range and organic, and their pork is heritage bread. You can learn more about their sourcing on their site here.

So how does it work?

You choose your box you can select a curated box or create a custom box with only the meats and cuts you prefer. They say that you get 20% more in the custom boxes. Then you select your plan and they ship the meat to you according to your frequency selection frozen in an insulated box.

And their site offers tips, recipes, and cooking recommendations to get you started if you are exploring new meats or cuts you have not tried before.

Why this is a great plan?

You save $ is a great reason to get started but not everyone has access to affordable healthy meats. If you are looking into or currently using the Keto-friendly eating plan this is a great resource for hormone-free, humane meats, and chicken options.

Give it a try and let me know what you think. Get the discount and free Salmon by using this special link.


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