You Matter

How you show up in the world is a gift

How you show up in the world is everything. Often times we become chameleons, in order to accommodate what others think we should be and then we get stuck trying to be someone we are not.

That never feels good because you are out of alignment with yourself when you play that game.

But how do you change that? I know, it’s hard. We want to feel accepted and included.

However, it is a gift to others and MORE importantly, it’s a beautiful gift you give to yourself when you show up as you truly are. Just close your eyes for a minute, and imagine walking into a room and being YOU.

Unapologetically. Just as you are. How does that feel? Amazing, right?

So here’s the question.

How do you want to show up in your life? What do you need to change in order to feel comfortable being yourself?

Do you feel that you have to be someone different in your personal life, work-life, family life, and church life? You are not alone.

All of us do it.

People-pleasing seems to be an epidemic amongst women (and men as well) and this is often the cause for you to show up in a way that pleases them. You likely are concerned about feeling accepted by others, well-liked, and seen as someone who they value in your lives.

Remember, who they think you are is their business, not yours.

Choosing people-pleasing behavior aka ‘the disease to please’ can kill your confidence, increase self-doubt and be self-critical.

Dear beautiful soul, do you know that there is nothing MORE amazing than YOU showing up exactly as you are?

Imperfectly perfect in all your ways?

You are uniquely created, to be, become and DANCE your way thru life to your own tune, on your own terms.

“We are afraid that we won’t be liked as we are, so we succumb to the pressure to be who others want us to be.”

Maybe people won’t like you as you are and often times it is because they feel threatened by us and they don’t want us to change. It’s the famous story of the crab. When one of them decides they want to get free and they start climbing out of the container, all the rest of them attack him and pull him down. ouch!

If you are surrounded by people who have this attitude, it simply means that they are not someone who you would want to continue to spend time with them.

When you have clarity in your life then you know what to do next.

You don’t have to second guess yourself and life can flow with ease and grace.

Without clarity, life is just drifting along like a lost ship in the ocean without a sail.

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it”. Maya Angelou

So, HOW is the BEST way for YOU to bring forth your authentic self?

Do you have the support, tools, and resources to become the butterfly that you are meant to become?

Do you know what you want? When we know what we want, we are ahead of the game.

I've highlighted a few ideas to help get you started.

These are some of the lessons I teach my clients to help others get out of their own way, become who they are meant to be, and live a life they love.

You can do it too! You are a gift to all those around you.

Monday is the best day to begin again and live with INTENTION.

Having a roadmap is the first and most VIP step to growing, discovering what you want, knowing where you're going, and getting UNSTUCK.

Before you write your roadmap you must have clarity first and know where you want to go.

This is the golden key.

“When you know what you want and where you are going your chances of succeeding in life are much greater.”

Are you someone who:

lives in fear and feels unfulfilled?

lacks MOJO- (motivation)?

feels unworthy?

wants to discover your purpose?

gets in your own way?

experiences anxiety, self-doubt, or lack of confidence?

If you said yes to any of these, these prompts should help you get off on the right foot and leave those negative, limiting beliefs behind. None of these are true about you.

May I suggest you begin here by asking yourself these questions?

  1. CLARITY is not always about being sure of everything you want, it's about being aware of what you want and where you want to go.

  2. Ask yourself what it is you want to achieve.

  3. What are the 3 qualities you want to develop in order to achieve your desires (courage, confidence, discipline, self-love, vulnerability, laser focus?)

  4. How will your life be DIFFERENT when you have developed these qualities?

  5. What is your next best step?

    Discover your WHY.

    Determine what you want.

    Know why you want it.

    Who do you need to become in the process to get what you desire?

  6. TIP: Set an alarm on your phone for 3x's times a day with 3 words that define who you want to become. For example, confident, worthy, and fulfilled.

  • ~Be consistent with your check-ins

  • ~Ask yourself, am I on track?

  • ~Align your behaviors with your beliefs.

When you take these specific action steps you are on your way to becoming MORE of who you were meant to be in this world.

Keep on RISING Strong. Peace and blessings.

Lots of Love,



Stuck In Your Story?


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