Stuck In Your Story?

Your setback is a setup for your comeback!

And Yes Miss, you can!

A common setback for women over 40 is being stuck in their story. After all, it has taken years to become ingrained in your subconscious and you probably have taken action to prove to yourself on countless occasions that this is your reality and your truth. 

What if you could turn your story around? What if you could write a new story?

You’ve come a long way baby, with bruises, open wounds, and scars of the past AND these experiences can shape the story you tell yourself. 

These past events will either propel you forward to get back up and keep on going or hold you down, feeling captive like a caged lion.

THIS is where the rubber meets the road.

Will you become a victim of your circumstance or will you become victorious OVER your circumstance?

We all have stories in our heads that we tell ourselves. It’s our human experience. The good news is, we can change those stories in an instant if we choose.

I remember being SO excited to learn that I had the power to change my old story along with my limiting beliefs!

THIS was the pivotal point that changed my life!

If you are ready to pivot your mindset and change your story, even the one running in your head right now as you read this, consider the following ideas to help you RISE again, tell a new story, and become the HERO in your own life. 

  1. Journal your thoughts, feelings, and emotions about your current story.

  2. Write down 3 affirmations to support your new story and repeat them out loud throughout your day with emotion.

  3. Practice 1 tool from your personal development toolbox to help you rewrite a new story where you become victorious and not the victim. (i.e. NLP, The 3 Step Process, Hooponopono)

I want you to know…

YOU deserve to be HAPPY!

YOU deserve to be CHERISHED!

YOU deserve to be LOVED

I want you to know...

You can use your setback as an opportunity for a comeback. 

You have the power to come back stronger, better, and bolder! 

Ready, set GROW! 

Will you SHARE with us what is currently holding you back?

What has been your experience with setbacks?

Please share in the comments below. 



Lots of love, Shelley Marenka

aka The Comeback Queen


Self Care For The Heart - Your Inner Guidance System


You Matter