Self Care For The Heart - Your Inner Guidance System


"It's impossible," said pride. "It's risky," said experience. "It's pointless," said reason. "Give it a try," whispered the heart.

About a year ago I wrote my first E-book titled "The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for Mental Health" For a limited time, you can get it here for $.99c

Below is an excerpt from the section called “Self Care For The Heart”… your innermost guidance system.

I begin with the heart because the heart knows the way. It tells the truth and it knows your innermost desires.


DESIGN A LIFE YOU LOVE - When it comes to designing a life you love, you can either choose to simply make a living and pay the bills, live a life by default, or you can design and craft a life you love being led by your dreams and desires.

It’s all about choice and choice is power. Isn’t that great?

YOU get to choose. I’ve discovered that it is so VIP to have something in your life to look forward to. You want to have something to keep you inspired, motivated, and focused. If you don’t have hope or plans for the future, it is easy to feel sad, stuck, bored, and lifeless.

So, are you ready to make room for novelty in your life?

What if you were to try some new things, spend time dreaming about your future, and write out your action plan?

As part of my nighttime routine, before going to sleep, I visualize the life I want to live and I SEE and FEEL myself living it.

Nothing is too big to dream!

Then every day, I take small, actionable steps toward my vision. This is one way that you can get started.


1. Write a list of 50 things that you do not want in your life. (this seems to be easiest)

2. Then after your list is complete, write out 50 things that you do want in your life.

This exercise will guide you in gaining clarity in your life and open you up to opportunities to create MORE of what you want.

It can also INSPIRE you to clean up those areas in your life that are energy suckers and disappointments that can be draining you.

You’ll then be ready to begin creating a roadmap for the vision of your future and start living it.


  1. Make time to sit down and write out a list of what makes YOU feel good. Be sure to include others in your plans because connection is vital (especially these days) to your emotional and physical health.

  2. Please, ladies! Throw the guilt aside. NO MORE guilt for spending time on you! It is not a ‘selfish’ act but one that is a necessity.

  3. Know and BELIEVE that YOU are deserving. You are worthy. You are loved.

Self-care examples can include... 

  • Listen closely to your intuition and follow your heart

  • Reach out and ask for help and emotional support from a friend you trust

  • Get a massage, pedicure, or hot bath with lavender and Epsom salts

  • Say NO MORE often and make your ‘YES’ a hell yes!

  • Forgive yourself and others

  • Be empathic and compassionate to yourself

  • Learn how to set boundaries and set some

  • Ask for what you need

  • Read books on spirituality, emotional intelligence, and personal growth

  • Get Creative: Take a class to learn something new that you are excited about

  • Develop one habit a month that will help you love yourself MORE

  • Spend time alone in silence and solitude for at least five minutes a day

  • Drink hot chocolate with a cozy blanket and inspiring novel 

  • Tell the truth to yourself MORE often

  • Put yourself first and love yourself MORE…


SETTING INTENTIONS - If you fail to plan you plan to fail and no one likes to feel like a failure (and actually, you are NEVER a failure). Make sure your personal agreements with yourself are honored and your self-care priorities are listed out, scheduled and you’ve made any necessary arrangements to guarantee you’ll be able to follow through. 

"Loving yourself is the most challenging and powerful thing you will ever do.”


Here’s what Lucy had to say about her experience with my Self Care Program

“I have had countless revelations, my perspective of what IS Possible has broadened beyond belief! I have been able to shed the light to the deepest corners of my soul and slay the “dragons and skeletons” still lurking in there, and after clearing so much darkness I have arrived at clarity, confidence, and MORE energy!” 



Bless yourself. Honor your calling and listen to the Spirit of Divine wisdom. Spending time alone in silence and solitude can change your life. Not one of us is exempt from all the chaos and fear swirling worldwide, however, we can experience a sense of peace and calm when we take a walk in nature, practice Yoga, Tai Chi, or do a simple 5-minute meditation. 

BREATHE: The simple act of practicing and focusing on your breath for 3 minutes at a time throughout your day can change the way you feel and allow you to de-stress from thoughts that may be bothering you.

Deep within your soul lies spiritual answers and this is also known as your inner guidance system, your internal ‘GPS system. It is when you sit with yourself in silence and solitude that you can hear that still small voice speaking the truth.

When you listen to your inner wisdom and trust it, your natural guidance system will show you the way.

Sitting yourself down in a beautiful space is when you can discover how to honor yourself and hear how you can make the time for what is most important.

It is then that your life will flow with grace, ease, and alignment. 


 “the spirit of the heart is the fire of one’s life" 

Shelley Marenka

PS Please feel free to share my post if you are inspired to do so and leave a comment below.

I’d love to know if this article supported you with MORE love, abundance, and positive thoughts.


Lots of Love,



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