Finding Inner Strength on the Awakening Journey

Hello Beautiful Friends,

It feels like a long time since I’ve connected with many of you. You are so special to me and I appreciate that you’re here to read my heart’s inspired words.

This article began with the intention to bring you up to date with the going’s on in my life and turned into this magical mystery that I share below. This must mean that there is at least one of you who needs to hear this and feel seen. If this is you, I’d love to hear from you.

All the love, Shelley


In the last 24 months, my life has been transformed in ways I never could have imagined. Every aspect of my being has been undergoing a deep excavation, pushing me to my limits.

I've been down on my knees in a river of tears questioning my very existence while also swimming in a pool of forgiveness and acceptance.

The journey of spiritual awakening has been one of the darkest, loneliest, most grueling, and most challenging experiences of my life. And yet, amidst the sorrow, there is breathtaking beauty and transformation.

Everything in me was being rattled to its core as if I was in the center of a massive turbulent wave; one that was not dissipating.

The profound stages of spiritual awakening kept coming, one after another, and at times I just wanted to scream “Enough!” I didn’t think I could feel any more or any deeper.


Although the stages of personal and spiritual growth can be similar for many of us, everyone’s path is unique to their soul. To give you some insight on what helped me transcend my habitual habits, thoughts, and beliefs I’ll speak about a few of the stages.

The first stage ~ which I refer to as ‘the calling’ ~ began with a tragic life-changing event when I lost 3 family members, and this brought me to the root of my suffering and began my inner path to awakening. I continued questioning my beliefs as I had been for the last decade (reading The Alchemist introduced me to this idea) but this time there was more to question.

My hunger to learn spiritual teachings from mystics all over the world had me exploring and studying their practices and learning how to trust my own intuition.

The existential questions of “Who am I” and “Why am I here” guided me into silence and solitude, which I loved, and I spent inordinate amounts of time reflecting, writing, and journaling, filling countless pages.

I struggled with the internal and external aspects of my life, trying to find truth and balance, and discovering so many lies that I had been taught since childhood.

I felt so disappointed, sad, angry, and frustrated for all that I had gone through, seemingly, unnecessarily.

The most significant stage I dropped into was surrender and acceptance. I thought I had been pretty well rehearsed with ‘letting go’ previous to my awakening journey, knowing that whatever was happening will work out for the best.

But again, this time the surrendering part required the ultimate deepening of my faith and trust. I kept thinking that my faith was solid as a brick, but no, there was more to it.

This pull to have even more faith is still with me today and has become an integral part of my thread to this existence.

Then came a stage of miraculous sacredness… to unlock the rest of this story go to Medium

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Before You Go

Thank you dear friend for being a part of my journey by reading my stuff. If any of it resonated with you please share your comments below. Let us each continue to RISE up together, unified in the collective, while embracing our inner strength and wisdom, and becoming the best versions of ourselves.

You can support me by buying me a coffee and leaving a clap if you enjoyed the story and it made you feel something👏

Lots of love, Shelley

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